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Highly Trained and Dedicated instructor

I don't normal write reviews, simple because have the stuff that's out there is PAID for!!! BUT not this one....

A.T.I. has programs that claims to teach you how to defend yourself in real-world situations. Mr. Traylor, a man with actual real-world experience, Because, you know, real experience is kind of a big deal when it comes to self-defense, firearms and edge weapons training. Unlike some instructors who have a shiny certificate but couldn't fight their way out of a wet paper bag, Mr. Traylor has been there and done that and at 60 years old looks GREAT!!

Mr. Traylor's background in dealing with REAL WORLD dangerous situations is important. This gives him a unique edge in teaching self-defense, firearms, edge weapons and personal protection. It’s one thing to talk about defending yourself; it’s another to have actually done it. Mr. Traylor knows what works and what doesn’t because he’s had to use these techniques in real-life confrontations. Meanwhile, your average certified instructor might know how to do lest say shoot at a target but when the target shoots back or a perfect roundhouse kick in a dojo but has never had to use it when it really counts.

Mr. Traylor’s teaching style is refreshingly straightforward and professional. He keeps it simple, because let’s face it, when you’re under attack, you don’t have time to remember a hundred different moves. His instructions are clear and easy to follow, making sure that you can actually use what you learn. It’s almost like he understands that you might not have years to devote to mastering complex techniques – imagine that!.....

look I am old devil dog no time for B.S. Now, let’s talk about the those instructors who have a certificate but no real-world experience. Sure, they can demonstrate techniques perfectly in a controlled environment. You need an instructor that knows what it’s like to feel the adrenaline, the fear, and the urgency. I feel Mr. Traylor advice is grounded in reality, not just theory.

So here the deal A.T.I. program and Mr. Traylor ability to teach in a straightforward and professional manner makes it accessible to everyone, even those who don’t have years to spend mastering martial arts. So, if you’re serious about learning self-defense, firearms and edge weapons, why settle for someone who’s only ever fought in theory? Mr. Traylor’s expertise ensures that you’re learning from someone who’s been there, done that, and knows how to teach you to do the same.

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